"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Do I sparkle?

When my kids enter the room, do I sparkle at the sight of them? Do my eyes light up? Do they feel I am happy to see them? How about with my husband?

I watched Oprah last night...recorded it since one of my childhood favorites, Debby Boone was going to be on and my Dad and I have a "song", it's hers..."You light up my life". Debby was talking about how her mother in law, (her children's Grandma) would sparkle as the grandkids entered the room. Her comment to Oprah was this, "After all isn't that really what kids want from us? To feel important, adored and for us to SPARKLE when we see them"

That made me think. Far too often for me, my kids hop in the car and I'm on a mission to haul them to their next location like a taxi driver. Or they walk in the door and I am pre-occupied making dinner, checking email, doing laundry that I hardly look up to greet them. Scott walks in the door and I kiss him, but do I even look at him? Sometimes I have to ask him if I kissed him yet? Pre-occupied wife I am.

I want to sparkle. I want our boys to feel that love from me when I see them and I want my husband to feel that too.


  1. Thank you for this Susan. After our conversation today and what my family went through today I have really been thinking about what is TRULY important in life. This was ALSO a great reminder about what our focus should be. Love you my friend!

  2. This was a great reminder. I remember reading something similar to this in a book one time called the "ooohhh" factor - if we answered the door and it was the president (bad example) we would be delighted and excited. Yet our family deserves even more! I'm going to focus on sparkling!
