"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, July 19, 2010

Random Rainy Monday

just because I loved this shot

It was a very HOT weekend here, and our ac has a hard time keeping up. It was HOT.

Tommy played in his last tournament of the year for baseball. He had fun.
love this photo Scott took of Drew watching Tommy

My High School girlfriend, Linda, stopped over on Saturday. She was in town visiting another friend from her Iowa State days. I love old friends.

We had dinner with family friends on Saturday night, last minute and laid back, but so fun. I love newer friends.

Max is starting to sit up more on his own...it's pretty fun.

Jack had swimming lessons last week, we LOVE Swim with Kim. The boys have all learned SO much from her. It's so fun to see them. This was the first year Tommy didn't take lessons.

Max started baby food on Tuesday, he is liking it a little more every day. This was his initial reaction

I was tired out on Sunday afternoon after being up in the night with 3 boys during the storms, so I took a little nap. When I woke up this is where I found Scott and Max. Scott working on his presentation for today and Max, hanging with Daddy.

Monday is cleaning day in the summer, boys don't really like it.

Boys had dental appointments today, no cavities for anyone. We celebrated with Krispy Kremes.

Scott is out of town, speaking in Illinois somewhere. Then onto St Louis. I miss him when he is gone. The boys miss him too.

I am tired of middle of the night storms...it wakes everyone up. Makes for a tired, and maybe even crabby Momma.

I cannot believe we only have 4 more full weeks of summer left. Where does the time go? mmm to rainy, crabby Momma, clean the house days? I hope not.

I have asked the boys to each think of ONE thing they REALLY want to be sure to do this summer. I want to be sure to get that in for them.

That's all the random thoughts and photos for today...


  1. this was such a good post - i enjoy the every day, random stuff and all the good pictures. Thanks very much for taking the time to do it - I know it takes awhile - because it's really fun to share life with you and your family!
