"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sigh..growing up

Can you believe in less than 6 months we will have a 16 year old in this house?  Seriously?  Am I that OLD?  And not that this is all about me...BUT really?

He still climbs in our bed, he still will sit by my on the sofa....he rarely kisses me anymore but I still kiss him,  I am usually in bed before he is, although he is asleep before I am....he is wearing men's size Medium in most things...wasn't it last year he just went from kids sizes to mens?  Maybe not?  He is getting closer and closer to my height, I have him in weight though.  :)

He is so much like me in many ways and yet so much like his Dad in others.

Scott and I have begun the discussions about getting another vehicle around here.  A car/truck for Tommy to use...Tommy could be driving right now.  In Iowa he is old enough to have a school permit, but we haven't crossed that bridge yet.

How will I let him drive away by himself in a car?  How will I not want to follow him to be sure he is safe?  Remind him to look both ways when you cross the street...or guess it is now stop and look both ways before you turn the car.  EEGADS...

Where do they years go?

I had a rare chunk of time alone with Tommy yesterday at the Doctor's office and waiting room.  I tried to snap some pictures of us...this is what I got.

Waiting room..."seriously Mom, do NOT take my picture and DO not put this on Instagram"

"Mom, you are weird"

 In the room, waiting for the Dr.  Almost had to pay him for this one.

Seriously...he is taller than our pediatrician Dr Jon who we have gone to since we moved here 14 years ago....

 Chuck E Cheese tonight...playing with Max.  Still a kid.

 Classic first born and 4th born...Tommy is nervous for Max, trying to help hold him....not liking that this ride doesn't look safe...Max is telling him to LET GO, I am FINE...NO FEAR in that one

So fun to see what a great big brother he is....

Tommy if you are reading this, PLEASE stop growing up so fast,
Love, Mom


  1. The pictures are the best. My most favorite is the one with him holding his head. I laughed at the comment of dont put this on Instagram. Hahahaha. He didn't say Facebook, did he? LOL.

    Get him a station wagon. ;)

  2. I love it. Love the progression of pics and finally getting him to smile for one. And really love the worried big brother with Max on the horse wanting zero help. Totally how it goes with 1st born and 4th born!

    lol, Makila, on station wagon.

  3. This made me cry ( surprise!) Such hilarious pics.

  4. I love that he is trying to hide. Too funny! I am curious...who really had the most fun at CEC? You right? I know it was you.

  5. Love this post, Susan. So sweet. He looks just like you.
    Our babies our growing up too fast. Sigh

  6. you may be my soul sister! It's like having a boy in a man's body. So hard. Scott toyed with getting Sam a dayglow orange truck like his dad bought him in high school. The family truckster would be pure perfection!
