"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, November 26, 2012

Drew's Buckeye Weekend

Scott and Drew headed to Ohio on Tuesday night, after Jack's school concert and birthday celebration.  Scott's Dad is still not 100% and we determined that it would be best for them to spend Thanksgiving out there with them.  The rest of us had plans to eat Thanksgiving out at Des Moines Golf with my parents, so it wasn't a big deal to me as far as cooking for him to be gone.

They enjoyed Thanksgiving in Ohio with the extended Shisler family. They met at a local church and everyone brought food to share.

 Drew with Scott's Aunt Pauline

 Scott and a couple of his cousins' boys

 Scott and his cousin Lisa, Lisa was raised at their Grandparent's farm, so they grew up together in many ways

 Lisa and her Dad Gene

 Drew and his Great Uncle Gene

 The table...

 On the farm driving the Kubota

Scott's Mom ALWAYS spoils us with our favorite meals when we are in town.  Pot Roast, Hamloaf, mashed potatoes, sweet corn, her famous salad, her homemade applesauce, cookies, pies...Drew LOVES it.  

Scott helped finish up the farming "stuff" from the harvest, while Drew drove the Kubota around helping however he could.  Right up BOTH of their alley's...not sitting still and working on a project.  They headed to Columbus on Friday morning. 

Getting ready to leave...bye to Grandma and Grandpa Shisler, a goodbye to the kitty and a view of the freshly chopped stalks in the field. Onto Columbus they go.

 They were able to take in a Buckeye basketball game while they were there.

Does he look happy or what?

 Of course a visit to Cane's for Chicken Fingers

 A trip to the library for views of the campus, one of Drew's MOST favorite things to do at Ohio State.
Mike, Stuart and Jane Townsley with Drew.  Scott and Mike were best friends in college. 

 Saturday morning before the game, they were able to go to a brunch with our friends the Townsleys.  And after they ate, look who they ran into walking to the game.  Yep, that's the team.  I believe Coach Meyer even shook Drew's hand.  My boys were thrilled to be so up close to the team.

 They also met up with some old friends of ours, well actually Scott's old college friends Chris and Carol's daughter Aimee, and her husband Derek.  They were able to pull off an O-H-I-O to send home.  We have known Aimee...well scott has, since she was born.  I think she was about 6 when we first started dating. 

 Yes we played Michigan, and YES we won and YES they "stormed the field" which may just be Drew's FAVORITE thing to do at a Buckeye game.  The weather wasn't terribly cold and they had a great time.

 After the game they were able to walk around campus a bit more...

These Buckeye weekends rank up there with Christmas for our boys.  In the fall it all becomes a blur of games and trips.  Scott never fails to THANK me for allowing him this time with our boys, for holding down the fort and sending them on their way with a smile on my face.  I LOVE that they get this time with him.  I LOVE the memories they are making that will last their lifetime.  This tradition is priceless to both Scott and to me, and if it isn't already to our boys, it MOST certainly will be.  
Go Bucks!

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