"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

You never know...

If you read this blog faithfully, I know 6 of you do.  :)  You may remember the post I wrote a few weeks ago wondering if I was doing "enough" for God, for my family...It was called She Did What She Could.  

Today I got the following note on Facebook, and I share it with you to show that God really does answer prayers in the oddest of ways sometimes.  Read this...

Kristine Clemens
Hi Susan, I am sure you dont' remember me. I know you from Colonial Church a long time ago. I have a twin sister (Tracy) and you were our Camp Counselors at Pyro our first year.
I am a youth pastor now in Minnetonka and preparing my lesson for tonight. The lesson is about women that have touched your life and so I wrote about you and how I remember you were one of the first women to teach me bout faith and how much it still sticks out in my mind (25 years later). I got home sick during the week and you took time to sit and talk with me as I cried. You always took the time to say hi to me and listen before you went to college and I will always remember that for it really changed my life and has probably helped shape my faith life still today.
Thanks for making the decision to be a counselor, you made a huge impact for the Lord! I hope you are doing well, you're kids are really cute!
In Christ -Kris Clemens

Wow, who would have thought that the encouragement of a camper I had at church bible camp, for ONE week, over 25 years ago would answer a prayer?  Would make me realize that seeds that I may have planted in those girls hearts at camp, are blossoming today thanks to the grace of God.  Really?  Amazing stuff to me.

We never know who we are influencing and we never know who is watching us.  And as we always tell our boys, little kids look up to you...don't forget that...they are always watching you!  

Love stories like this, they encourage me to keep on chugging.


  1. That is so incredible. Love that she took the time to write and tell you and that it was the encouragement you needed!

  2. Um. Tears in my eyes. We so didn't know the importance we may have had when we were Pyro counselors and communicants class leaders. How incredibly cool that you are still in touch with one of your campers and she took the time to let you know the impact you made on her. That my friend as you already know is such a "God thing". And you make such a great point that we need to point out to our kids that those younger than them are looking up to them and to their example. I will be sharing your story with Lauren.

  3. Such a great reminder that God hears us and uses us in ways we don't even realize. Thanks for sharing. Glad she sent you the message.:)
