"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, November 25, 2012


 ...The latest updates on Will.

-Yesterday they surgically placed a monitor in his brain to measure pressure.
-Pressure was reading WAY higher than it ever should be showing them that something was VERY wrong.
-Decided at midnight to not wait any longer for surgery, they needed to get in and release the pressure fast.
-3:18 am I checked my email and saw that he was out of surgery and everything went well.
-7:00 am Will was awake and reporting ZERO pain....this coming from a kid who morphine wasn't helping the pain earlier this week oh and he was asking for pancakes too.  Hasn't eaten all week.
-12:00 pm Will not only ate chocolate chip pancakes but kept them down AND was sitting up watching his favorite NFL football.

Seriously...God is SO good, Mayo Doctors are amazing...SO very grateful he is doing better.  Now they just need to make sure they can do everything they can so this won't happen again.  We still have not heard for sure what caused all of this.  We assume it was the shunt that he has had for 10 years NOT working right or infected.  But we are just speculating that from what we have read and heard from them.

Praying he gets out of ICU soon and can recuperate easily.

We sure love this kid....
Taken at MOA Waterpark...many years ago. Tommy's 9th birthday maybe? Seriously how cute are they?