"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Quiet days at home

I am a homebody, I LOVE quiet days at home.  I have not left the house today.  I did shower and get dressed...it has been wonderful to just stay HOME.  I have a list of things to do, and I have not left to do them.  Max and I have been cleaning, finishing up some Christmas decorating, think all we have left is the tree.  Laundry is humming...roast is in the crock pot.  Christmas music playing.  He has been so content to be home.  Scott got home late last night and so he is in his office here working today, love when he is here.  It just makes things feel easier.

There is always something to be done...ALWAYS. It was nice just to take some time and be home, even doing stuff at home feels simpler than racing around town.

Yesterday was my annual appointment at Mayo for my Pituitary Adenoma.   My Mom met me at my appointment, so grateful for her.  Mayo Clinic is an amazing place.  To think my Dr is a Pituitary Specialist...I mean seriously.  Your pituitary gland is the size of a kidney bean, and this is THIS man's focus.   Wow!  He is a really nice man on top of it.  It hasn't changed in size, which is great.  Blood labs were a little off, but nothing terrible.  Just need to get another draw here and have the results sent to him.  But pretty much we are status quo for another year...thankful.

After our appointment we had a fun lunch, just the girls, doesn't happen much.  We headed to see my friend Amy who recently moved to Rochester...and then went our separate ways.  It was a blessed day.

My heart is full...


  1. So happy to hear all went well with the Doc. God is good! I so totally understand what you mean about just staying home, especially when the hubby is working from home after traveling. Just knowing they are in the other room makes for a peaceful and content heart.

  2. Thankful for good news for you. Prayed for you this week.
