"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, March 2, 2012

Proud of YOU Tommy!

The following was in this weeks school newsletter....

Congratulations to the junior high Lion's Pride award recipients for 1st and 2nd semester!

Eighth graders were Sara Boesen, Maria Crook, Bethany Dadisman, Maddie Emmerich, Jake Lowe, Christian Minor, Tommy Shisler, Kelsey Tope, and Jonathan Weaver.

Seventh graders were Emma Boley, Camryn Grider, Emily Manderfield, Emma Mayse, Mariah Mayse, Jaren Ruble, Grant Veurink, and Beth Zimmer.

Lions Pride award recipients are nominated, and five core team teachers evaluate the nominees in the following areas: for preparing academically, serving wholeheartedly, and working diligently.

Award recipients then are asked to answer the following questions in writing: What is God doing in your life right now? Tell us a fun fact about yourself. What do you like about DMCS? What do you want to do after you graduate from DMCS? Answers are posted next to their pictures on the Secondary information bulletin board.

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