"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, March 9, 2012

Busy growing wings...

Some days I feel like I am the meanest Mom around...then some days the boys tell me things like this...

Conversations from this past week...

Drew:  "Hey Mom, thanks for not picking out my clothes to wear.  Thanks for letting me wear whatever I want to school.  I wouldn't want you to lay out my clothes for me"

Jack: "Thanks for not making my lunch for me.  All of my friends Mom's make their's and then they complain at lunch because their Mom forgets to put something in....I can't ever complain because if something is missing it's my own fault"

Tommy:  "Mom, I probably should have started my homework earlier.  I had to stay up until 10:45 to finish it and I didn't like that.  You were asleep before I was even done"

Sigh...to be a Mom and to help these boys grow their own wings, never easy, but what a privilege.  


  1. Thankful. What age did th boys start making their own lunch?

  2. Okay, I'm all teary. Not joking. Those quotes from your boys are amazing and precious. I'm glad that you blogged it so you (and they!) don't ever forget it.
