"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, November 4, 2011

Dining Room BEFORE and AFTER

After a month or so I have finally decided I love the new dining room and the new gray.  Took some time...

So we have the dining room BEFORE...

And now AFTER....

 Love these new Silhouettes....

Now to figure out what to do with curtains on the windows...would you go with solid WHITE or solid CREAM?  I am debating between those two...would love your opinions!


  1. white and cream stripe. :)

    I don't know. Helpful aren't I? Either would be great.

  2. I've never had drapes so I'm no help!!!

  3. lol to Makila. :)

    If the trim is white, than I would lean towards white.

    Have you looked at that link I sent you from West Elm yet???

  4. I thought you were considering mustard to bring all of the colors together?

  5. love the silhouettes, too. I would lean to the white, or something with color you could bring in with art..... I did love the red, but I love color. great wreath, too!
