"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, November 14, 2011

Our basketball guy

I really wasn't exaggerating when I said Max LOVES baskeball.  I pulled these off of my camera today, they were taken one morning last week.  Watch his facial expressions.  I mean seriously how cute is he?  And yes I know he has a bruised cheek, took a header into a friends rocking chair last week, while shooting hoops at their house.

It cracks us all up...he asks his brothers to go and shoot hoops with him all the time, when Scott walks in the door he asks him to come in with him...and he and I, well we shoot often during the day.

Now again...where is the league for almost 2 year olds on Little Tike hoops?


  1. OH NOOOO! So sorry about the bruise! It was a bad fall wasn't it! he sure does LOVE basketball!!!!

  2. I think he is a natural. Looks like you have many years of basketball to look forward to watching.:)

  3. he looks so grown up.

    he is definitely taking after his big brothers :o)
