"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, November 14, 2011

Our weekend

Tommy and Drew both have basketball tournaments this weekend...Jack had his first basketball game of the season as well ( I didn't have my camera at his game)

I think we are in for a challenging basketball viewing season with our sweet baby Max.  He LOVES basketball, takes at least 200 shots a day on his Little Tikes hoop at home and does NOT like sitting on the sidelines at his big brother's games.  Seriously does NOT like, like screaming, kicking and yelling "Go Go Go" at me wanting to get down and GO on the court.

So if anyone knows of a local basketball league for an almost 2 year old...let us know.

A quick side note, Tommy and Drew play in the same sports league called F3, not the same team.  They both chose the number #44 this year, in honor of our good friend Gailen, that was his college number.  Enjoy the pictures.

Drew's game

The halftime show....not kidding, he was even getting cheers.  He seriously tried to make SHOTS on the 10 foot hoops, then would get the ball and dribble again.  What a riot.  As he screamed when halftime was over a guy in the stands yelled, NO CRYING IN BASKETBALL and everyone laughed.  Well not Max, he was mad.

Tommy's Game

 watching Tommy's game with Daddy, and not crying or screaming, just holding his ball.  Do you think Max looks like his Daddy or what?

1 comment:

  1. Yes max looks so much like scott in that picture! Great pictures!
