"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy 14th Birthday Tommy!

It's hard for me to believe but Tommy is 14 years old today, guess that means I can't be 25 anymore huh? 
 Tommy and Chief at the cabin

 Tommy you are our sweet, kind hearted boy.  You have a smile that brightens a room.  You have funny accents and creative negotiating skills.  You are a lover of shoes, Nike shoes in particular.  You know most anything about the Nike line of clothing, shoes in particular.  You study your Eastbay catalog and know the technical names of most anything you can order out of it.  

Tommy you are a great big brother.  You love to play with Max, and are so very helpful with him.  Jack and Drew both look up to you so much and I think you are starting to realize that more and more.  Being the oldest of 4 boys isn't always an easy place to be, there is some pressure to it but it's where God has put you and you are doing a great job with it.  Tommy you are much more competitive than MOST people ever see.  You don't like to lose to anyone at anytime, this is something we work on...sometimes it's okay to lose.  YOU are your biggest critique at any sport, school grade or activity.  We love YOU just the way God made you.  You are a great big cousin,  your cousins adore you...loved watching you play "house" with Alice in the cabin, you the big brother and she your mom.  You just go with it and with a big smile on your face.  Such a sweet heart.

 playing in the lake with Max
 playing whiffle ball at the cabin with Jack

best friends (most of the time)

loving Grandma

Tommy you like to be busy, you like to have places to go and things to do and people to see.  You are very social that way. You also like to be early for everything.  When you can drive, you will never be late.  You keep us ALL on time.  You love to eat.  You love to eat and eat and eat, you love to make snacks, drinks, smoothies, cookies, chocolate dipped strawberries.  You are blessed with a body that can handle your eating right now. I think you would eat out every meal and never tire of it.  You love to go to the grocery store, love to pick out food and browse the aisles for the newest and latest food choices. 

Tommy you are so special to Dad and to me.  You are our first born, you were the first ever in my tummy, you were the first child we ever saw and our very first love.  There is something about that spot in our hearts that will never be touched. You are a smart guy, far wiser than your years....you figure things out.  We love you so much.  We are so proud of you, so proud of how you handle yourself when out and about, so proud of the gentleman you are becoming. You love your Mom, that melts my heart.  You love to go with me on errands, you love to hang out with me at home...I love that.   You open the car doors for me whenever you can, you hold the doors for me when we go into buildings, you let me out of the elevators first, on the escalators first, you remind your brothers to do the same....your wife will be blessed someday by these lessons your Daddy has taught you and that you now teach your brothers.  Until then....I will enjoy being your number one girl.  

We love you sweet boy!



  1. What a sweet post to honor your 14 yr old!I can't believe how fast they grow up.

  2. happy birthday tommy!

    your words will be a treasure to him. your love for him and the boy-man he is becoming in evident.

  3. Happy birthday Tommy. Loved the post

  4. What a beautiful post!!! Happy Birthday, Tommy. We remember celebrating your 1st Birthday in Rochester. Love to you.
