"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, July 8, 2011

Our 14 year old

Our 14 year old sent Scott and I both an email last night, yep we communicate via email within our home...here is what it said

"Thank you guys for making today super super fun like it always is on my birthday you guys do above and beyond for me and I appreciate it so very much! You two are the greatest parents ever.  I love you both!  Love, Tommy"

Here is what we did yesterday on his bday

6:30 am breakfast at Hyvee alone with Dad

7:30 am taken to another local Country Club to play in a 9 hole tournament he qualified for last week, called interclubs, where kids can play at other area Country Club courses.  This was his first he tried for and was excited to qualify.

11:00 am picked up and brought home

opened presents at home

Max helping Tommy open his presents

Golf hat from Jack

Cool tee shirt from Max

Golf towel from Drew

12:00 pm favorite lunch made by Mom at home, Sweet bread hot sandwiches, chips, dip and raspberry lemonade.

1:30 pm to mall to pick up cookie cake

2:00 pm ortho appt, okay so this wasn't high in his list but we had to reschedule and this was all he had and we do love our ortho, he is a good friend so it wasn't that bad and we found out braces come off before August  :)

2:30 pm "Surprise Ride" with Mom to All Play downtown, a video game place, Dad was home working with a napping Max.  (side note, he had asked to do this the day before and in the midst of my lecture on how video arcades are a waste of time and money and a lot of work for Mom and yada yada yada he says at the end..."Mom, I know they are all of those things, but when you are a kid, they are fun.  But I understand why you don't like them"...sigh he got me on that one and Scott and I talked later and decided that I should take him after all)

At All Play....Surprise Ride

His very favorite arcade game

Photo Booth pics with Mom

4:45 pm His good friend Will, from across the street who we haven't seen much of this summer due to schedules...came over and went out to dinner with us at Jethro's BBQ, one of Tommy's favorite spots to eat

7:00 pm Noah and Christian, 2 other good friends, came over for cookie cake and to "hang out".  They stayed until 10:00 pm shot hoops, played some Wii, played ping pong or "ping the pong" as they call it, and played night games.

 Tommy, his brothers, and his buddies that came over

 Max found the singing of Happy Birthday VERY funny!

 Still belly laughs at trick candles, I love it.

So even as a 14 year old...it's still fun to have your day made special.  


  1. Love the email Tommy sent you. So, so sweet. I can't believe he is 14. *sigh* That sounds far too old. And he looks more grown up in these pictures... *sigh again*

  2. I loved the note too. 14. Sigh. So grown up but still loves his family and the special day. I love how Max laughs at Happy Birthday. I should have Gracelyn sing it to him and see if he laughs.
