"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, July 11, 2011

One and a half

Oh my... 18 months old, our baby Max is 18 months old.  Or one and a half as it is better known.  Sigh.  Max you are our sweet littlest guy, our baby.  As Jack keeps saying to me "Mom, he's growing up so fast and I just want him to stay a baby."

You are discovering new things daily it seems like.  These pictures are from playing with the hose this weekend, you LOVE the hose and LOVE to figure out what happens when you put your hands in the water.  You love to try new things, go new places...you are very adventurous.  It's such a joy to watch you try to figure out this world.   Listen to you babble and try to have conversations.  Watch you try new foods and textures.  It cracks us up sometimes watching you try stuff, you love hard boiled eggs and lemons, cookies and ice cream cones, goldfish and grahammies, pizza and hot dogs, cheese and chocolate pudding, milk and water and sippy cups.  You love your stuffed beagle puppy and your baby doll.  You love your Daddy when he comes home from work, you squeal whenever he walks through the door.  You love your brothers when they hop in the car...you love your Momma all day long.

You continue to be a baby of few words but many SOUNDS.  We here AHHH aAhhh AHH all day as you point at what you want.  You CAN say please, Momma, Dada, Drewww, Jaaaaaa, and Taaaa when you want to.  You say "Ball" most of all, and vroom vroom for trucks, you say wa wa for water and pash pash for splash splash, you want to go outside ALL day long and point to it often.  You say woof woof and ish for fish, you try to say quack quack for ducks too.   You LOVE to dance and point at your brothers ipod's for them to turn on music for you.  You dance and spin and clap, it's so cute.  Your current favorite DVD is "high-five" and you do the actions and dance along, we all laugh so you do too.  You love music at church, in the car, at home...you love it.  You are mastering stairs and can easily and quickly go up them, coming down is still a learning game but you can do it on your tummy if you want to.

When people come to the door to visit you often will ask them, grab their hands or point for them to come with to the sunroom, aka green room, where your toys are so you can shoot a hoop for them.  Once you make a basket it's okay for them to leave but you request they come and watch you for the shot.  It's funny.

You love your big brothers, you follow them around and get quite upset if they leave you behind to go outside or to the basement.  You make it quite clear that they should not walk away from you for any reason.  You have ALL 3 of them wrapped around your finger.  They will do anything for you most anytime.

You are funny, and you know it.  You will do anything to make your brothers laugh, throw food, bang your head, lay silly on the floor, jump on them, throw balls...if they laugh, you keep doing it.  Over and over and over.

You bring such joy to all of our lives sweet Max, we love watching you grow and learn new things.  You have a way of making our family complete.  We love you very much little guy.



  1. Hannah just walked through, saw the first picture of Max with the hose and said, "Cuteness" as she continued on her way past the computer. :)
