"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Our after school

I am back on the blog...I have so much to catch up on but not quite up to it yet. We are focusing on getting the jaundice numbers down for Baby Max. So he is nursing every 2 hours around the clock, needless to say not a lot of time in between. Thanks for all of your prayers this past week. It is a bit of a blur. But I do hope you know we appreciate your loving concern. We are happy to be home. 5 days in the hospital is a LONG time away. We feel so blessed with little Max....he is adored by us all. Hard to imagine our family without him.

But here is what our house looked like after school. Ah...this is what life is all about.


  1. So glad you are all home and doing well. I can tell baby Max is already very loved by his big brothers.:)Keeping you in my prayers that you will be able to enjoy every precious moment with Max being so little and that you will have rest to help you through these first weeks. If you need anything, let me know. I remember how it is....it is still hard to believe my baby is two now. Having a new baby around is so exciting. I am thrilled for y'all. :)

  2. welcome back. I've missed you (but in no way should you start blogging out of guilt!!!! because I've missed you! :)

    great pics!
