"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, January 7, 2010

More snow and a clean basement

Some pics today of the snow...note our fence is a 6 foot fence in the backyard and the snow drift in the corner is up to it. Never have we had this much snow on our deck either. It's pretty amazing.

Out the deck door probably almost 4 feet of snow

And the basement is cleaned up...woo hoo. The move of Scott's office to home in September threw the basement into upheaval for awhile. His office is about done as well, quite the task to get it all put together. This organization is officially completed. Mulitiple trips to Good Will have helped as well. As you can see we still have plenty to keep us busy on a rainy day in the basement. Enjoy the proof of its organization. I think the pics are more for me to look back on and enjoy on a day where it isn't as neat. ;)

Playroom....love baskets and love labels

Main room basement...

more basement...
snow on basement window...

Even the game closet is cleaned out...

Think it's about time to whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies. mmmmm


  1. I wish my basement was that organized. Yours looks great!!:)

  2. woo hoo! it sure makes me miss having a basement. i love the built ins with all the baskets. where did you get the little chalkboard tie ons?? love them!

  3. your basement looks incredible - that must feel so good to have done before baby arrives! The chocolate chip cookie pictures gave me the warm and fuzzies - there's just no better way to express love during a snow day. I may have to make some of those tomorrow if we're off again!

  4. Nice, Nice, Nice. It was fun to see your basement..never made it down there before.

  5. Wow! Now, that is an awesome basement! Tell me that paint color again! Your boys will make such sweet husbands someday (for many reasons) but one is that they know and appreciate the value of pretty baskets! You go, girl.
