"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hiccups and a grateful heart

The baby has the hiccups right now, and seems to at least 4 times a day. I was sitting here thinking how much I will miss this part of being pregnant. I LOVE feeling the baby move inside of me, love the closeness that is for a Mom and baby. Love having the boys put their hands on my belly and laugh at the kicks, hiccups and wiggles. It has been a priceless gift for our boys to have experienced this. They were too young to remember or appreciate when it was Jack, and now all 3 of them have these memories they will not forget.

Can't wait to meet this little one, see their face, kiss their little hands and feet, look into their eyes... Can't wait to watch Scott holding this baby in adoration as I have seen 3 other times in my life. I can't wait to have my parents walk into that hospital room to see the baby, tears streaming on my Dad's cheeks. I can't wait to have the boys come in, Tommy and Drew will be a little nervous, Jack will be radiating a smile that will reflect off the walls as they meet their new baby brother or sister. I can't wait.

Scott went to a wedding on Saturday, and was talking to some friends of ours there who are struggling with infertility. And he came home telling me about their conversation, what a great reminder to me of this gift we have been given. 4 times we have been given this gift, the gift of life, of a baby, of a sibling, of a child....I do not take it for granted. To have been able to experience pregnancy, to have been there the moment a child takes their first breath and enters the world, to share children with the man whom I adore....

As uncomfortable as I am in these last days of pregnancy, I am reminded that God has truly blessed me. I am a Mommy...


  1. This was beautifully written and made me cry--it is truly the greatest gift and a miraculous feeling to carry a child. What a blessing for your family to share in the life baby 4, God's plans are so good.

  2. Perfectly stated, Susan. Something I think about a lot, too.

    Funny how often your little one gets the hiccups. I was just talking about baby hiccups with Josh last night. My other kids had them frequently, but I don't think this guy has had them one time. Without fail, Hannah would get them every single week when Quintin started preaching. How funny is that?

  3. I am crying my eyes out - a good sign that I'm not dehydrated! :)
