"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The First-First Day and the Last-First Day

Today was the last-first day of school for Tommy....and it was the first-first day for Max.  Sigh....it has been an emotional morning for this Mama.  Don't get me wrong I have great peace about the boys all being together at school.  BUT it doesn't come without a lot of tears.

Let me start with my oldest...Tommy.  A Senior in high school.  This kid has gotten choked up himself every single year of school on the first day.  He is always nervous, always a little tentative..not today.  Today was the first time Tommy has ever walked into school on a first day calm as can be.  The very FIRST and that alone made me sad and happy.  He is growing his wings, he is so ready to fly from this nest.  He is a senior in high school.  5 classes a day.  Home by 1 every day.  He is beyond thrilled.  As a Mom this is what we pray for...and he even allowed me a kiss on his cheek as he walked away from me in front of school.  Sigh, on my tip toes of course.

Then there is Drew...a true middle-child.  He is calm, cool, collected and not worried about a thing.  He is a sophomore and knows his teachers and what to expect.   He is determined to have another great year.  He loves football season, fall, and he even loves school.

And Jack...who is a middle-child and yet my baby too.  There was a long time where we thought he was our forever baby, where I walked him into Kindergarten and cried all day thinking this was it.  He loves school too.  He is SO beyond excited for junior high.  The other end of the building.  His own lockers, switching classes...no recess.  He is ready for it all.  He was so done with elementary.

Then there is my baby, Max.  He was so excited this morning.  He climbed into our bed around 5 am and loudly said "snuggle me Mama" and with tears in my eyes I snuggled him, I prayed over him for nearly 2 hours.  Oh what a privilege it is to be his Mama.  Kindergarten came so fast in so many ways.  But yet there have been long days...but short years.  It is probably best I haven't had all summer to ponder him not being home with me part of the day, it's probably best full day kindergarten has been a last minute change for my heart.   He was so excited today, nervous when it actually came time to stay in the class with so many questions.  But he will do great...I will be okay.  3:20 cannot come fast enough for me today.  But I know my days will be full at home too.

It's a new chapter for all of us.  God is good and I LOVE knowing our boys are all together.  That makes my heart smile.  I took a few pictures this morning.  :)  The ones of just Tommy and Max were ones the school office requested for their social media site of a senior and kindergartner.

getting a little nervous while waiting for the elementary doors to open

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