"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, August 13, 2015

First Tooth for Max

Our baby lost his first tooth this week, it came out on Monday night while I was at a photo session and he was home with Daddy.  He was scared and concerned but did great with it all.  That's a lot of new and different all at once.  We didn't know it was loose until Sunday on the drive home from the cabin, he ate some beef jerky and said it hurt his tooth, I felt it and sure enough...it was loose.  

The tooth fairy came and left her normal $.25 cents per year (5 quarters this time) AND a $5 bill as a bonus for his very first tooth and being so brave.

I tried to capture some photos of him a few minutes ago, and nope he is NOT into wearing shirts right now....so so cute. I am including ALL of them because it shows the cuteness and the challenge of trying to capture a bottom tooth gap from a 5 year old.  Oh how we LOVE this boy!


  1. I just love logging in and finding these precious photos. They make me grin from ear to ear! Last week I was looking at a photo of me holding Max at our 20th reunion.

  2. So cute! Sammie lost her first one a couple of weeks ago 😊
