"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Morning My Mom Came In....

Sunday morning I was in bed at my parents.  Scott was in Des Moines, Max was already up and out watching TV with Drew.  I was snuggled under the warm blankets trying to wake up.  This was the morning my Mom came into my room and crawled under the covers with me.  I cannot tell you the amount of times in my life I have crawled into her bed, to talk, to laugh, to comfort her in these past months.  I crawled into bed with her in the hospital after driving through the night to get to her...I hopped right in that tiny hospital bed.  But it is RARE for Mom to come snuggle with me in my bed.

But THIS morning Mom came downstairs to snuggle with me...she hasn't been downstairs much lately as going down the stairs has been hard with her feet being somewhat numb from chemo.  She hasn't dared the stairs unless she has needed to.  But for some reason on Sunday morning she did....and I about LOST it in tears.

At that moment all I could think of was how very grateful I was to have my Mom.  I thought of my dear friends who have lost their Moms, and what they would give for that moment.  I thought of the unknown of cancer, and Mom's health and the fears I have over her dying before I am ever ready.  I thought of my Grandma who recently died and how my Mom must long to talk with her.  I just wanted to soak my Mom in like a sponge.  I literally had to fight back the tears at that moment.  They are streaming now as I type this...but I don't want to forget that feeling.  My Mom next to me...arms around me like I was a toddler again.  Her bald little head behind my head of hair....I do not want to forget that moment.  I do not want to take it for granted that I have my Mom here, on earth, to talk to, to laugh with, to dream with....

There is just nothing like a Mom.  NOTHING....my heart is full.