"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, June 20, 2014

Most beautiful woman

Thee most beautiful woman in the world to me...inside and out.  Doesn't she look radiant?  Her strength is her beauty. Her faith shines through her heart. She's beloved and she's mine. I never tire of talking with her.  I love her smile. 

Round 5 of chemo was done today.  I'm counting down for sure. 13 to go. She's feeling good today. We are learning the art of living one day at a time.  It's not easy.  

I love my Mom so very much. Please be praying for her these next 10 days for side effects to be manageable. 


  1. This is how we learned this verse when Lauren was little and now it is in my head for the day as a prayer for all of you. http://seedsfamilyworship.bandcamp.com/track/seek-first-matthew-6-31-34

  2. Your beauty radiates just like your mom! Praying for all.
