"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Watch Out

I go through this about 4 times a year…where I feel completely and utterly overwhelmed by the STUFF in our house.  I am there people.  I have been for about 2 weeks, since I got home from Florida really.  Everywhere I turn there is stuff, messes, toys, clothes, socks on the floor, laundry overflowing, bedrooms a mess, too many clothes in the closets, too many shoes, and right now the biggest thing bothering me are LEGOS and TOYS…but mainly LEGOS!  I honestly feel like I am drowning in them.  And I am constantly playing referee to arguments between Jack and Max about Legos.  Max LOVES legos as much as Jack did and does…and when Jack is at school..well Max finds Legos and destroys plays with them.  Jack comes home from school MAD that his legos have been messed with and voila…my referee shirt comes out.  So I am busy trying to organize the messes, and solve this Lego saga.

Scott's suggestion, bless his heart, teach Max not to touch the Legos.  While yes that sounds lovely and in a perfect world everything I tell our sweet 4 year old he would DO..it's NOT that easy.  And Jack's suggestion is I follow Max around all day and make SURE he doesn't touch ANYTHING…hmmm not so realistic.  Shockingly between eating bon bons and watching soap operas I have a house to manage, laundry to do, bills to pay, meals to make.  (no I don't watch soap operas or eat bon bons, actually I am not even sure what a bon bon is…)

So today I have been busy cleaning Max and Jack's room and trying to come up with a solution for this problem…I laugh because today alone I have had 3 different plans for the Legos that have already changed.  I am now thinking perhaps there should be NO Legos in their bedroom, only legos in the basement.  And I am still thinking of how I can get a shelving system with Plexiglas installed so Max cannot get to the Legos that are completed works of art of Jacks.  Oh and have I mentioned that some of these sets I am trying so hard to keep together for Jack's sake are also for Max….because when you spend $40-$100 on some of these sets you want them to be able to be passed down to younger brothers someday so THEY can set them up and you don't have to go and buy MORE AND MORE AND MORE of them.  So I am really doing this for BOTH of them.

While there is a BIG part of me that would LOVE to get the Super Glue out and simply GLUE the finished pieces together…if you have seen the Lego Movie…or if you have ever read anything about allowing your child creativity…this is a BIG NO.

If you come to my house anytime this week beware…it is a mess, it is a bunch of organization projects happening all at once.  The black trash bags are coming out and I KNOW some of you know exactly what THAT means.

So now that I have all of this off of my chest…carry on with your day.  

1 comment:

  1. GO GO GO GO!

    The black trash bags are called "special trash" at my house. :)
