"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Gratefulness, Balance, New Chore Plan and Ships Passing in the Night

Wow that is quite the blog post title.....

A few things I want to touch on while I am thinking over them tonight, before I fall asleep.  Being home from Costa Rica has been an odd MishMash of stuff for me.  I have been emotional over so much.  It is a hard transition to come home. It's hard to explain.  After such a life changing experience it's hard...hard to explain in a few words what the trip was like.  Hard to answer "how was your vacation?" question (yes someone did ask me that)...hmm not a vacation.  Hard for me when people don't want to know the little details and the friends of mine that have wanted to hear the details, I am too busy to meet with them and share.  I look at our country and our "stuff" and part of me wants to choke, and part of my has a full grateful heart?  See what I mean?  MishMash.  (not a word)  Part of me feels like I live in a mansion, and it's too much.  And part of me is so grateful.  Part of me feels like a BIG chunk of my heart is in Limon Costa Rica, I want to know how those kids are, I want to pray for them.  I miss their smiles and hugs.  But a HUGE part of me is so happy to be home, have MY boys, have their smiles and their arms around me.

I am struggling to find balance.  Balance in our house, balance with our boys, balance with my blossoming "hobby" photography business which has been more of a full time job these past 2 months. Grateful?  Yes.  Overwhelmed?  Yes.  Keeping up with 8-10 shoots a week is proving to kill me.  I LOVE taking the photos, but finding time to edit them in this busy home of mine....is HARD.  And I like to do things well, every time.  So that takes TIME and this is where my balance is off.  I find myself at my computer nearly every minute I am home.  I don't like that.  Max has watched far too much tv this fall.  I haven't even taken our boys, or even Max, to the pumpkin patch this year.  Enter Mommy guilt here....  That's too busy.  He is coughing today, and felt warmish at bedtime, and it makes me sad to think that I don't want him sick because I don't have time for that right now.  Sad I know, but true.

Our house is a mess, and I really mean a MESS.  I searched Pinterest the other day for chore ideas for teenagers (could have cleaned during that time I know)....it isn't even "chores" I need them to do, it's just picking up THEIR stuff, and maybe stuff that isn't theirs that they are walking over, walking by, passing on the steps or moving from their bed to their window seats instead of putting away.  Changing a light bulb they noticed was out...do you realize I came home to changing 11 lightbulbs?  NOT kidding.   I cannot keep up on my own, and I shouldn't have to.  I am struggling with this one.  I need to enlist ideas... anyone??  it overwhelms me...and I really mean that.  I am NOT one that lives well in disorder.  It makes me crabby...enter more Mom guilt here.  But I cannot do it.  There must be a new plan.  Enter guilt again....we live in a beautiful home, with so many material goods...yet I just came home from a third world country where people live in shacks with nothing.  See...goes back to balance, gratefulness and MishMash.  I am ALL over the place here friends...

And lastly, my Love and I are ships passing in the night right now.  Fall is always hard for us.  So many Buckeye games and Buckeye weekends with the boys...grateful for that, but balance?  Scott has been traveling a lot for work, (grateful for work, not complaining) Costa Rica trip...Think he and I have been in the same bed 6 nights this month, out of 27...not a joke. That makes life hard, and for me, I find it hard to stay connected through 10 minute phone calls here and there that tend to be interrupted 20 times by someone needing something.  That's a girl thing I am sure...the emotional "stuff".  I feel like I cannot keep up with the boys, their school activities, their sports, their wanting to "talk" and "share" with me...it's not good.

Mix in some other stressful parts of early October and I am finding myself exhausted in every single sense of the word.  I can hardly stay awake past 10 pm.    But then I find myself awake in the night, making lists of what need to be done.  Crazy?

So not sure where this post is going...but for me, I find it therapeutic to write things out and to be real...and to make sure that I am who I am.  Hopefully I am not going crazy, and hopefully things will settle down soon.  They need to, we need more balance.  Most of all I want to be a good wife and a good Mom and I want to honor God in all I do....I don't want to blink and have these years gone and be filled with guilt and regret.  

I want to live like this....

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