"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, June 27, 2013

InstaFriday on Thursday

Yes....it is Thursday and I am one day EARLY for InstaFriday with my Instagram/iPhone pics for the past couple of weeks.  Shocking I know.  Maybe, just maybe things are getting back to normal around here.  Enjoy

 Morning serenade for Momma

 Ah the love of narcotics, don't remember taking this but found it on my phone.  This was my lovely view at Methodist West for 3 days...

 This may be the MOST meaningful Boston Creme pie ever made for my Love.  While Scott was in the ER then settling me into my room at Methodist...the boys went to Dahl's and bought the ingredients to make Scott a cake for Father's day.  The cutest part...Tommy drove the truck to the has station (Kum and Go) because on his school permit that's the closest gas station he can go to....parked there walked across the street to the grocery store to buy the ingredients.  Attempting NOT to break any of the "laws" for school permits.  This was posted on Tommy's instagram...made me cry.

 More narcotic love...but I sent this pic to my Mom because she once almost overdosed my Dad.  He had back surgery and when he came out she kept pushing the button for HIS pain.  She didn't want him to wake up in pain....well...he almost didn't wake up since they had it set for HIGHER dosages assuming he was still waking up and wouldn't push it often.  Ahem.  And I was the one in his hospital room spending the night with him when his blood pressure dropped and all the nurses came running in panicking.  Mom was LONG gone home by then and I had to tell them that NO he hadn't been pushing it.  She had before she left.  Oh for the love of a husband.

 Yes the walker I was sent home with.

 reminders for myself from the Bible

 my dear friend made homemade bread for me us..it was gone lightning fast.  In fact by the time she arrived Drew had whipped up some honey butter and was literally WAITING at the door.

 Love when these two play...

 Mom took Jack back to Edina with her on Thursday when she left...and she took Jack too.  Jack had 5 days of "Twig Camp" at my brothers.  They spoiled him rotten and he loved every minute of it.  My brother sent lots of pictures.

 If you keep your house cool enough in the summertime, hot chocolate tastes good.

 Wonder where Alice got the buckeye cheerleading outfit?

 Mom sent me this...they had an early anniversary dinner with some dear friends of theirs from South Dakota.  Fancy desserts and all.

 These 3 dear friends of mine snuck away to Mpls together and texted me this.  In case you wondered...max says "That's the Mrs Minor grill in the middle" 

 Monsters University

 Another pic from Mom at the cabin, Dad trying out the new boat motor for the boys' fishing boat.  


 Tommy has chosen some great friends...his buddy Keaton hanging out and chatting with Max

 LOTS of naps with Momma


 Some things I wanted to remember from Sunday's sermon

 hockey..Jack's third time ever skating

 Trampoline place

 My Love attempting to grill burgers with an ANGRY robin protecting his babies nearby and dive bombing him.  The umbrella was creative I thought.

 Max used my phone to photograph some of his skylanders he loves so...

 Golf Banquet/Pool Party.  Tommy lettered as a freshman on Varsity...pretty cool.

 Max loves squirting people...LOVES it...

 Another sent from Mom....my dear Aunt Sandy and Uncle Dean at their cabin in MN...love this pic of them.  SO happy.

 LOVED this...read this the day Drew and I were working on sending out our letters for our mission trip this fall to Costa Rica

 I could watch our boys' sleep every single day

 Last night we went to the pool for about an hour before it closed.  It had been such a hot day.  They had the pool almost to themselves and had so much fun.

1 comment:

  1. I love all the catch-up pics.

    The bread was for you and you were kind to share with your boys. ;) Drew meeting me at the door made me smile.

    I'm glad you're feeling better! ♥
