"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Back and Catching Up

As some of you know I had another surgery last week...YES I am done with surgeries for a very long time.  I had wanted to do this surgery with my hysterectomy together but alas the Dr's did not want me to do that,  SO it has been a rough week, but as of yesterday I feel like I am coming out of the fog.

Easiest way to catch up would be from the pics off of my phone...a little summary of what's been going on in my heart, mind and home.

 This convicted me....I need to write a post all about this.  It's a tough one for me personally with some personal things in my family.  It is such a fine line between "what we believe God says" and "what we accept" and how we just LOVE like Jesus and let the rest to God.  It's a long post for another day.  BUt I really like how this was worded.

 FIrst day off of school for this one...lunch date with Mom alone.  Granite City.

 This just made me chuckle chuckle chuckle

 A verse I was working on remembering before surgery.

 Looking through old pictures my Mom had found for me and found this one of me at about age 11.  Close to Jack's age.  Scott took one look and said Jack looks JUST LIKE YOU.  Hmmm what do you think?

 The fun Mom I am I had Jack spend his first week of vacation organizing his legos
 Yet another BANG on my head from Mr Max....seriously his head is concrete

 The sweet lady who cuts the boys hair had a baby girl a while back.,,,this was the outfit we gave her and she sent the pic.  So sweet and YES so so GIRLY.

 Continuing the organizing lego project for Jack

 While at Hyvee one night a lady was doing a "Random Act of Kindness" and she
 chose these cookies to give our boys.  Sweet.  

 Erika Veurink posted this on fb on June 3rd...the day Gailen went to heaven 
2 years ago.  We miss this man.

 Scott was unable to be here for my surgery...bad planning I know.  But he did leave me with loads of roses.  I didn't expect the surgery to be quite as tough on my body as it was.  I think I am tougher than I am I guess. :)

 Tommy's first home game for the season.  

 Not able to sleep the night before surgery so searching for scriptures.

 Mom came down to help.

Mom was here Monday-Thursday.  Dad was called in as reinforcements at 4 am on Wednesday (surgery was Tuesday and it was NOT a good night)  he was at the Dr by 8 am with me and didn't leave until he knew I had turned a corner later that afternoon...what a guy huh?

 New Stools came and Drew made the boxes into "blinds" for their bb gun shooting

 He loves to nap with me...

 When asking Max if he could help me find something one morning this was his response.  Hmmm

 Max was taking pictures one day on my phone..

 Duck Dynasty Marathon 

 Tommy took this while outside shooting hoops with Max

 Wanting to be close to their Mama they played Legos in our room one morning so 
I could watch from bed

 Another favorite scripture...this was Gailen's favorite.

 My dear friend Ruth had her husband pic up deep dish pizza frozen from Chicago and delivered it to me as a meal when I was down and out.  Oh my...the best.

 Saturday morning the boys (Tommy was at baseball) went to our Church Community Center Opening...they had fun in the photo booth

 .... by Saturday they were both back in MN not to miss the grad party for their special friend Justin.  His favorite show is Mr Rogers and Mr McFeeley his very favorite so they had him at the party too.  The REAL Mr. McFeeley.  And since I was a Mr Rogers Freak as a child my Mom had to share.

 Again a sleepness night of searching scriptures...and another convicting one.

 Drew has been on my phone...making collages of the Buckeyes.  Think he is ready for football?

 Max went to my friend Ruth's house on Tuesday and she sent these pictures.  She wore him out for me.  
And he was OUT

 Jack home from Living History Farm Camp yesterday....Creek walk day and he asked if he really had to shower before his baseball game?  hmmm can you see and smell the wet mud?

 My friend Ruth sent me these from his game last night.  Jack had an RBI and then made a run himself. Last game of the regular season.

 My Dad and my brother are in the DC area this week golfing fancy courses with friends of my Dad's....a dream come true for both of them.  And a real treasure for them to have time alone.  That is so rare and as a parent I can understand how important and special that would be.  Love what my brother wrote.  "On the 18th at Congressional with Dad "Top 10" day with him. 

And my new license plates....love them. :)

Thanks for the prayers and love.  Hoping one more week and I will be back to normal.  and to quote what my brother texted me..."NO MORE SURGERIES".  I couldn't agree more.  My body is beat.

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