"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Where do the days go?  It's Monday again after 2:00 and I just walked in the door.  Been running around doing random things and just now cleaning up the breakfast dishes.  NO JOKE.  It is beautiful outside and I need to get out and finish planting my flowers on the deck.  The boys all have activities tonight.  I really should be doing a load of laundry too....

Quick InstaDump off of my Instagram Pictures on my phone...the quickest way to catch you all up on life here.

Random thing for you to hear...I read an article the other day on instagram pictures, and for those of you (Mom) who don't know Instagram is an app on my phone where I take and post pictures from my phone, they are random pics as you can tell.  It was talking about the benefits of Instagram.  For instance I have pictures of Max in his car seat on the way to church....in a football helmet, boys at Dr appointments.  Not a moment I would have taken my big camera out for a snapshot but with my phone it's easy.  I feel like I am capturing little moments that I would never capture if it weren't for Instagram.

The past week of Instagram (aka iPhone) pictures... (and just realized it's MORE than a weeks worth...more like a random splattering of the past 3 weeks minus our Kansas City trip) and they are in NO organized order...

So with no further ado...

***so I tried to get this done in the afternoon, didn't happen.  Tried again last night.  Ran out of time.  It is now Tuesday morning...Tommy just called from school and says his tire is flat.  Sigh...another day in the life of a Mom right?  NOW I will try to get the pictures up.

**Tuesday night, after baseball games.  Trying again to get blogger to cooperate with pictures.

**okay now it is Wednesday afternoon, I am just sitting down.  WHY is this computer NOT cooperating this week.  I have been running all day from ortho, to haircuts, to other random errands...to now home, laundry going and Max asleep.  Jack will be home within the next 10 minutes.

 One of my favorite things about spring, and our porch.  We always have birds nests.  I LOVE watching them.  This year we have 3.  2 of them still have eggs as the Mama's haven't left sitting for almost 3 days.  1 has babies that she and Dad are busy feeding daily.

 Sweet boy, so mad about something.  He is even cute in a time out.

Friends over last Wednesday, took a peak at the playroom and they had done a terrific job, mainly Max, of trashing the place. 

 On Thursdays people put up "throw back Thursday" pictures, I posted this one of Tommy and his best friend in preschool Maddie.  We are are now twitter and Instagram "friends" as are she and Tommy...it's fun to be in touch with her again.  Sweet girl.

No comment needed

Yes last Thursday and Friday it snowed here, a lot of snow...especially for MAY.  I am a Minnesota girl and I love snow but I am DONE

Max LOVES when his brothers come home.  Drew just home from track and baseball.  Track ended on Monday this week...I hate to say this...but I am SO glad to be able to cross off one activity off of the calendar

Proof of snow....and happy birds to have something to eat since they can't get to the worms

Watched a friends kiddos on Friday morning...fun to have pink and pig tails around.  Note playroom STILL trashed...

Looking back through old pictures...found this.  Tommy and Drew about ages 3 and 5

And it was Kentucky Derby week and found this from when we went to the Derby in 2002....with Jack in my tummy.  I still have that dress.  Why?  Haven't worn it since.  Time to part with it.  Anyone want a size 10 lite blue linen dress?

Saturday was Blakely's 2nd birthday (Miss Emily and Ross' baby girl)....we were all at the party for a portion of it...Tommy had to leave early for basketball.  Sigh we love her...told her she can pick from any of the 4 boys to marry.  Tommy and Drew...thought that was weird

Teaching Sunday School on Sunday "Katie" came in to visit, she is in the Special Needs Sunday School class for adults...we teach the children's version.  She posed for MANY photos.  She is a HUGE Hello Kitty fan so we love to talk about that.

Mom sent me this...they spent Sunday with Ariana, her birthday.  Sigh where have the years gone?  Beautiful young lady.

Sunday was also the dance recital at "Dance with No Limits" for my friend Amara, I was honored to be at her recital.

Post recital smiles

Ouch...Max hit me HARD with his head on Sunday night while laying with him at bedtime.  Swollen nasty bruise to prove it.  Motherhood is not for the weak.

Planted flowers with this very sweet boy on Sunday

Some funnies...from the past couple of weeks.

This is from a couple of weeks ago, movie night with our 2 bigs....went to see "HomeRun" great movie.  We loved it.

Drew after his Dermatology appt on Monday, stop for Krispy Kreme

Yep this is a normal laundry pile for me after 2 days

Loved this...

My Friend Julie had a "throw back thursday wedding edition" on Instagram.  I joined in not only with a pic of us, skinny me, but one of my parents who will celebrate 50 years this summer.

Matching brothers...Max is always SO proud to match one of his brothers.  So cute

This never EVER gets old to me.

We moved the "cabin" before the snow of course...he LOVES it.  WE had it on the deck last year.

Folding laundry while watching Happy Days...oh how I love the Hallmark Channel

My friend Terra brought this when I watched her kiddos...Now that was a wonderful treat.  DARK chocolate.  Dove Dark Chocolate.  Yum

Sunday morning at church my friend Rachel pointed out my bandaid.  Yep couldn't find any others and forgot I had it on.  Spider Man #boymom

I cannot believe it's now Wednesday afternoon and I am JUST getting this posted...sigh May has a way of stressing me out.  And I have read 2 amazing articles this week on NOT being stressed...I need to figure out how to better apply them.  Thankful for God's grace....

1 comment:

  1. It took me two tries to read this, :).

    Loved the picture update.
