"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What did you do this past weekend?

I spent this past weekend cleaning and organizing our entire house.  I LITERALLY spent 51 hours cleaning, sorting, purging and organizing.  I actually kept track.  CRAZY isn't that?  Crazy that there was THAT much to be done and CRAZY that I didn't hit a wall sooner than I did.  :)  I made tripS to Goodwill, filled up 4 trash cans, made 2 trips to Target for organizing stuff...and I did sneak out one night for dinner with a girlfriend, I snuck out for a pedicure and a manicure as well.  And I did 2 photo shoots this weekend as well.

First off, Scott gets the "WHAT A GUY AWARD" for offering, on his own will, to take ALL of the boys to Ohio for the weekend.  He KNEW I was longing for the gift of T-I-M-E and being the loving husband that he is, he granted me that wish.

Our house may have NEVER been this clean or organized....not kidding.  The boys have been so happy to come home to being able to find everthing.  Here are some random comments I have heard

Drew " Mom our basement feels SO big now"

Jack "Mom you really DID work all weekend, I kind of thought you were kidding"

Tommy "Mom, the pantry has never been so clean, you can see everything and find every thing."

Drew "Mom, thanks for not messing with my room"..ahem he is much like his Dad, doesn't want HIS stuff messed with so I honored that and he said he would clean his closet WITH me this weekend.

...and Scott, is very grateful to have come home to a happier wife...that matters WAY more to him than an organized house.  While he does appreciate the cleaning too.  Oh and he came home to a Boston Cream Pie too.  :)  Love him.

And now to the fun part...the boys went to the first Buckeye game of the season.  We were blessed to have found enough tickets for all of them to go, we have 2 season tickets of our own but we were able to get 4 more, not so easy to do for the Buckeyes.  They went to Columbus and then after the game headed to the farm 2 hours away to see Grandma and Grandpa Shisler....spent 2 nights there and came home on Monday.

Here are some pictures from their weekend...I wish they would have taken the GOOD camera vs the little instant ones....the quality is not great but you can see the happiness..  I really DO love that they ALL, yes Max too, are crazy Buckeye fans.  I LOVE that they get so into it, I love that they want to tailgate, to see Brutus, to watch the game...it's SO sweet.  And I am so very grateful that I love the colors of the Buckeyes...red, my favorite, gray one of my favorites...and black.  Can't get any better than that.

Here are some pics I just pulled off of the camera....

 Max LOVES Brutus, at least he loves him from a distance.  :)  Not so excited about him being so close.  But has talked about seeing him ever since.

 Heading into the stadium

 I am not sure you can fully grasp the joy this brings to my Love, he TRULY loves his team, and he ADORES his boys, and the fact that they LOVE going to the games and going to campus almost as much as he does, is really like a dream he never thought would happen.  It's sweet, he cries just thinking about it.

 THIS is Max's kind of Brutus, once that doesn't MOVE.

After church on Sunday morning, I think Tommy has almost passed Grandpa Shisler up.


  1. What a great weekend for ALL! :) Can't wait to hear more about the organizing in person. :)

  2. What I want to know is how the manicure held up to ALL that cleaning!

  3. Pictures please - especially the pantry!

  4. I'm still smiling for you that you got all of that time to yourself and were able to get that much done!

  5. What a great weekend for the whole family! Kudos to Scott for being such an awesome husband and dad.

  6. wooo hooo! So excited for you! What a great way to do a fall clean up and out ;)
