"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Momma Love and Squash

My Mom loves me, I know that with ALL of my heart.  Every fall she gets squash for me and cleans it out, bakes it and freezes it for me.  We have a it in the winter.  I think I am the only one in our family, besides my Mom and Dad, who loves squash.  I could seriously eat it as a meal alone.

She has her own way of cutting squash, I don't think it's how they do it in restaurants and I doubt they teach it in culinary school.  But she takes her knife to it, then goes to the garage and slams it onto the concrete over and over until it is cut.  Yep, like I said, it's her own unique way of cutting squash.  Well this time, she had a tablespoon out in the garage with her, ready to scrape it out I suppose and just by chance when the squash hit the concrete it somehow hit the spoon and it then catapulted right to my Mom's eye.  And as you can see..this is day 3 and her eye i TERRIBLE looking.

Ugh....I feel so badly for her.  Luckily the eye Dr said her eye itself isn't hurt.  But still...

I have told her it's probably time for a new knife.  Certainly this should not be a dangerous project.

If this isn't love, then what is?
Get better soon....love you


  1. Oh no!!! your poor mom :( She needs to be careful!!!!!!!!!! Make sure the eye dr. looked at her retina...and that she goes for a follow up in a couple of weeks. I'm obviously super sensitive to hits in the eye.

  2. Ouch. Maybe your Dad can send her to culinary school with me? Kyle always says I don't need cooking lessons but that I need the knife skills the teach the first two weeks. He HATES the way I cut things!

  3. Oh my! That looks like it really hurts a lot. Not many people can say they were beat up by a squash. I hope she is doing better very soon.

    I use the cooks illustrated method for cutting squash.

    1. Set the squash on a damp kitchen towel placed on top of a cutting board. Position the cleaver on the skin of the squash.
    2. Strike the back of the cleaver with a mallet to drive the cleaver deep into the squash. Continue to hit the cleaver with the mallet until the cleaver cuts through the squash and opens it up.
