"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Monday, June 22, 2009

Jack and Darth

Jack went to a Star Wars Birthday Party on Saturday...let me tell you he counted the days down for this party.

let me preface this whole thing with we do not allow guns or swords in our house, never have. Other than water guns, which were not allowed until about 4 years ago we have been pretty anti violence. I know I know 3 boys...but we have stood our ground

Jack goes to Kindergarten, knows NOTHING of Star Wars...meets some new friends about 4 months into school and within about 2 weeks of that becomes obsessed with learning all of the names of the Star Wars characters and their powers etc. All school year long he would come home with new Star Wars trivia. He would read through his Lego catalogs learning their names...on and on. Loves it all. Was given some Star Wars legos for his bday and thought they were terrific. And I know Star Wars isn't all bad, lots of good and evil which we can compare to the bible and God vs Satan, I have heard the arguments just haven't wanted to go there with the boys.

So here he is at the party, water gun in one hand, "noodle litesaber" in the other and with Darth Vader. Oh my...can you tell he is our third. He has yet to see the movie and I still take all guns out of any Star Wars toys he has...but he is by far our most bold. Tommy and Drew were scared of anything Star Wars....and here is our Jack.

Sweet Jack...mask and all with Darth.


  1. what a great picture of Jack with Darth. You can imagine how many times we say, "Luke, I am your father" around here!
