"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Drew is 10 years old

Today is Drew's birthday, 10 years old.  Where did those years go?

I remember the day Drew was born.  We knew he would be coming on June 3rd as he was a planned csection.  We had moved to Des Moines in January and into our house we built on May 15th.  It had been a whirlwind few months with everything going on.  We were so excited for this day to finally have arrived.

Scott and I were up early in the morning to get to the hospital and be prepped for the big day.  I remember being so excited and nervous as well.  It is an amazing feeling to be driving to a hospital knowing you are going to have a baby to hold in a few short hours.  Nothing like it.  Mom and Dad were at the hospital shortly after we arrived, Dad couldn't have looked more nervous but always trying to fake being calm and Mom just chatted away, which I have learned is her way of being nervous.  Tommy stayed home that morning with my sister and niece.  He wasn't even 2 years old yet.

On the drive down I remember talking with Scott about baby names...we had no idea if it was a boy or girl.  We had the girls name of Mary Grace (after my Mom Mary Lou) and Grace which is what the biblical meaning of Susan means, "full of grace" and boys we were debating still between Andrew or William or possible Michael...but we knew we wanted to use my Dad's name Roy, as a middle name, so we ran all of the options as we drove down to the hospital.

8:31 am there was a beautiful cry...and I heard them say "looks like a girl head with lots of hair, nope, it's a BIG boy" and Andrew Roy entered the world.  With tears of joy, relief and excitement Scott and I thanked God for his healthy arrival into this world.

Boys making silly faces on Drew's bday at the cabin
Drew's DQ ice cream cake

The golf bag he wanted from Tommy

The Super Soaker he wanted from Jack

At school on the last day with his bday treat for his class

Drew has been such a blessing to our family.  He is one of the most loyal and true people I know.  He fierecely sticks by what he believes in, is NOT easily wavered on anything.  Drew is tenderhearted and so loving.  Our boy who loves animals of all kinds, who rarely speaks a harsh word to his brothers, who loves the Buckeyes and everything with them with his big heart, who has a competative drive and spirit that is hard to match.  It is hard to imagine our family before he was here.  

Happy birthday buddy...we love you!  I will find some baby pictures later to post along with these recent ones.

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