"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


I turned 45 on December 20th...it was hard.  So much is hard right now.  It started with an email from Dad when I woke up.  Which was the best thing for me...as Mom was always the first one who called me on my birthday he wished me a happy birthday with a sweet note that included Mom in it.  So that was great...

...then Max told me that I should stay in bed as they were surprising me with "breakfast in bed".  So cute.  He snuggled with me while I heard the dishes banging in the kitchen.

Breakfast was served..bacon, eggs and "Grandpa's Little Rolls".  Max sat with me and ate part of my breakfast. The boys all sang to me and it was so sweet.  So many blessings in my bed that morning.

Tommy watched a Hallmark with me that morning while the other boys went to school.  :)  It was a sweet and quiet morning.  Then Tommy and I went to lunch together...and spent the afternoon shopping and just being together.  It was really perfect.  Scott had to work...

I came home to an angel food confetti cake baking in the oven.  I thought Scott had whipped it up, but I later found out Jack was the baker this year.

We snuck out for dinner at Zmariks noodle place...it was so nice.  The big boys all went to the DMC basketball game at my encouragement.  I was perfectly hap-py to be home, watching Hallmarks and snuggling with Jack and Max.

The boys each wrote me letters, which I am scanning and including here so that I have them in one place.  This is what I ask of the boys every birthday and Mother's day...I really am over gifts from them...I want to hear their hearts.

After the basketball game, the boys came home, we had cake, ice cream and strawberries....and the day was done.  It was as great as it could have been.  Never will be the same without my Mama here...but it can still be a wonderful day.

Some Instagram Posts from the day...

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