"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Still here...

Seriously it is not like me to go two weeks without a blog post....I am still here.  For those 6 faithful blog readers of mine. :)  It has just been a non stop whirlwind.  Every year I vow to be more organized, not to be cramming in the writing of Christmas cards, the making of Shutterfly books, the making of Christmas cookies, the decorating and everything else in between and here I am.

It has been a busy month. This past week an added illness hit me and slowed me down more than I prefer, every down moment I had it seemed I was napping, or holding a sleeping baby who was hit with the same bug.  Jack was home Tuesday and Wednesday with me.   If I was awake I was on the computer whipping up Shutterfly books for our boys.  Finalizing our Christmas card...wrapping gifts...well actually Drew has done most of my wrapping for me, so thankful for boys who like to help. Not sure what this bug really is, thought it was a Sinus infection, then bronchitis, maybe croup and then again feels a bit like the H1N1 bug I had way back when I was pregnant with sweet Max.  I am not sure what it is but I haven't had much of a voice this week and am sadly unable to sing along with Christmas carols.  Monday night I had to bow out of an invite to my very first ever cookie exchange, I was so looking forward to it but just knew my body couldn't do it.  Wednesday night I hosted out annual PEO Christmas Auction and had to be ready for that no matter how I felt.  The boys have had basketball this week.  Thankfully Scott has been in town the entire week...a first for at least 3 months.    The boys are busy studying for finals and truth be told, it stresses me out to think about finals.  Makes me feel like I am back in High school for some odd reason, taking them myself.

So let me rewind since it feels like I am just rambling thus far, the best way for me to do that is to take the pictures off my phone and I don't think they are coming off in order and frankly I am too tired to re order them.

 Still don't have my post up about Drew's Buckeye weekend with Dad....but they ended up on the field at the end of the game.  SO much fun for both of them.

 Yes I am married to a complete and total morning person, and yes part of me has become a morning person and part of me will NEVER be a morning person.  Love my husband.

 This sweet little girl stopped by in this shirt a few weeks ago, don't know that it's real public yet so I have not posted.  But can I tell you how VERY excited we are that there is another baby coming to our sweet Emily and her family.

 This one loves to dribble the ball, this was halftime of one of Tommy's games.  He becomes the half time show, pretty cute.

 Chicago, sweet Chicago.  View from our room.  I snuck away to Chicago a couple of weeks ago now, or maybe it's only been a week...it was wonderful and really wonderful and can I say again, wonderful to be away.  

 Enjoying a Starbucks quietly in our hotel room all by myself!

 Lunch out in Chicago, beats my normal PB &  J huh?
 My lunch date, our oldest niece Ariana lives in Chicago now, so wonderful to spend a day with her.

 And we went to see the Broadway show of "The Grinch" that afternoon, and sadly this Momma kept falling asleep during it.  NO joke, I could NOT stay awake.  Pathetic huh?  What I saw it was lovely though.

 My dear friend Lori in Chicago too for the same meeting as Scott and I...she is one of those rare gems, don't see her in person much but never seems to matter.  We are just connected, one of those friends, doesn't matter.  Love her.

 Lego building in Watertower place decorated for Christmas

 Scarf love at Anthropologie....

 The next morning, same view from hotel just foggy...but still quiet and by myself for the morning.  I really LOVE to be alone, quirky?  

 Some of the shops I visited on my own...

 Visiting Ariana on the Job at David's Tea Shop...

 Marvel Superhero love for my Jack

 Snow snow I want MORE snow, I am a snow lover, a cold weather lover and it is so disappointing to me that there is no snow.

 So thankful Drew loves to wrap gifts...doing the number system this year, numbered the gifts...no names.  Let's hope I don't lose the list huh?

 Went to bed Sunday NOT feeling well, woke up Monday certainly NOT well.  My dear friend Ginnie dropped off her homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Monday morning...it's all I ate for 3 days straight.  Yum...

 Don't think I ever posted these from jack's bday...way back on Nov 20th.  sorry.  Mom and Dad were here, it was a fun night.  He wanted brownies....half frosted, half not.

 Basketball for Drew....

 Sick baby boy snuggling his Momma

 I was watching Frosty...they were playing ipads.  Something is wrong with his picture.

 Loving my "Sleigh Ride" tea from Chicago, not a tea person before but what wonderful timing having this tea with this yucky bug.

 Found Joseph one day....guess he was a Buckeye fan too.

 Someone brought these beautiful cakes to the PEO Christmas party...my Mom used to buy ones like this at Christmas time, so pretty.  

 Snuggled under Great Grandma Twig's Afghan...sure wish Max would have known her.  

 Christmas cards are here...this is the back.  They are going in the mail tomorrow...

 More of our week

 Went to see Santa last night, the boys even made their Momma's day and ALL agreed to wear Santa hats.  Love Santa...

Christmas card writing and sealing and stamping...

now you are all caught up....
another big week ahead.  Basketball games, finals, maybe a birthday in there for one of us too....
ringing the bell, Christmas parties...and few more gifts to wrap.

Praying for a healthier week around here....
After all that happened in CT this week, we feel SO fortunate.  So grateful there are teachers out there that love like those in CT loved, and sacrificed.  MORE grateful to know that Jesus is in heaven waiting for us with his arms open.  Praying for those families....praying for peace.  


  1. Oh sweet susan...the CT tragedy has struck home w/ me as well. I guess teachers & mamas both are we. God bless all impacted directly & grow us all toward Jesus.

  2. So sad here too about the CT tragedy. Cannot even imagine the heartache.

    I forgot that we are both PEOs. :) I dimitted back to my Louisiana chapter a few years ago after being in Chapter OQ here for a while. I keep thinking life will slow down enough for me to get involved more again but it hasn't happened yet.:)

    Hope you are feeling better this week. Ginnie's soup looked wonderful!!:)

  3. so glad you are feeling better. It was fun to see you, even if just for a quick 'hello'.

  4. Happy sigh. Loved the update and pics. Crazy, busy month!

  5. 'tis the season of craziness... this has been the longest/slowest month. the days fly by but the weeks seem to sort of drag if that makes sense i think its because we are ALL so ready for christmas break and no one has motivation to get through school each day but we are doing it. only 3 days left... yes!!!

    i am sorry you've been sick. i hope you are feeling better. there is never time for a mama to get sick but especially during the holidays.

    i did the numbers for the first time this year too... it is driving morgan crazy but for the first time the two little ones are leaving the gifts alone. YES! morgan has all the numbers written down and is trying to figure out whose gift is whose. i am creating a little game for them in order to find their gifts under the tree. find a gift then open then figure out the next clue etc... i am hoping this helps to prolong our christmas morning and they aren't so rushed to get to the next gift. i have loved them not knowing. i will definitely do that again!

    love your updates!!!
