"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Monkey slippers

Here are the cute little monkey jammies Mike and Cara gave to Max...my favorite part are the feet. Don't they look like he has slipped into a pair of monkey slippers? Makes me laugh every time I put them on him. They gave him puppy ones too, same thing, puppy slippers.

I took these tonight right before he cashed out for the night. He rarely smiles later in the day so it was fun to get a little smile, and a bent ear too. ;)


  1. cute.

    i love his little smile :o)

  2. Susan - he is so so cute! He's starting to look like a little guy - getting his own look!!

  3. Cute, cute, cute! He looks so big in these pictures. Can see a little personality starting to emerge in those sparkly eyes.
