"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, March 5, 2010

Basketball, Boys and Rambling

This is our last weekend of basketball...Drew is in a tournament. Last weekend both Tommy and Jack finished up. Here are a few photos from the weekend.

-Ah...then baseball tournaments begin, well that is only if the snow melts off the fields ever.

Jack talking Star Wars with the ladies

Max watching basketball with Daddy

Drew taking a shot

Tommy taking a shot

onto rambling....
-Had more meals brought in this week from friends. When I did make a meal, the first one I have made since Max was born, Scott asked "who made this meal?" and I said "me" and he was shocked...that's how long it has been.

-have 2 lasagna's in the fridge to eat now too. (Drew has a canker sore so it isn't so great to eat now, will move one to the freezer)

-made a fresh loaf of Rhodes bread today, forgotten how good that smells

-happy to have a week of sunshine for a change

-we leave for spring break next Friday, we are heading to Ohio. Max will get to go on his first airplane ride and head to the farm for the first time.

-why is it that I still crave root beer even though Max is now born?

-have pictures of Max up around the house now in frames, makes me feel good to see him all over with the other boys

-I am wondering why fridge has a "d" and refrigerator does not (thanks Makila)

-I love being a Mom

-I love being married to Scott

-my parents have been in Cabo, MX the past 2 weeks and for 1 more week...I miss talking to my Mom every day. Cell phones and MX don't mix well. (miss talking to you too Dad :) )

-We got a cell phone for the boys to all share, calling it the " Shisler bros" phone. It will be nice when one is at a tournament and one of us isn't with him, or if they are at the driving range, or at a practice, or get hurt somewhere we are not. They are excited. Although secretly, or not so secretly, wish they had their own.

-after 2 years our neighbors house sold this week, anxious to see who bought it.

-I'm so glad we don't have a dog (I hope the new neighbors don't have one especially one that barks)

-I need to go to bed...


  1. I just love when I get pictures of Gracelyn added to the rest of the crew.

    The picture of Max and Scott is so adorable.

    I'm glad you are flying and not driving but it still sounds like a lot of work to fly. :)

  2. The picture of jack talking star wars with the ladies is just hilarious!
