"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The BIG Project

This weekend it was time to set up the crib, pretty soon Max will start sleeping in there. He only has 1.5 lbs to go until he is at the weight limit of his bassinet. :) Jack has been asking for 2 months when we were going to put Max's crib up and this weekend we got it done. Of course to make that happen, we had to take apart the bunk bed, move the full mattress to Tommy's room so we can donate the older mattress he sleeps on. Which also led to cleaning and organizing of the storage room so that we could FIT the pieces of the bunk bed in there until we need them again in 3 or more years. Needless to say it has been busy and messy.

Last night we had a surprise bday party to go to for a friend and in the night Scott came down with a flu bug...so it has been an interesting couple of days. I am happy the boys don't have school tomorrow as we need a quiet day at home without 100 projects going at the same time. Scott is heading to St Louis tomorrow until Wednesday, this will be his first overnight trip since Max was born...we are ready. Grateful we had him here for these 2 months every night. Max is now sleeping well, usually 11:30-4:30 or 5 so I feel rested.

Here are some before and after pics of the room makeover....we are still waiting on Jack's bedskirt and a couple of other small items. But for the most part it is DONE!

P.S. Note Max is in his jammies in the pics, we all have been today. We didn't go to church due to Scott's flu and my cough. Jack found his Halloween costumes while cleaning the storage room hence his Speed Racer outfit. Luckily no one stopped by today.


  1. Max just seems so big laying in his crib - I can't believe it! I bet Jack is thrilled to have a roommate - he's such a sweet big brother. Sorry to hear Scott was down with the bug - hopefully he's up for traveling this week and the boys stay healthy. It's about time for spring to sweep through our houses and get this icky stuff out of here!
