"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, March 26, 2010

Busy busy and rambling on...

Well... I have determined that Spring in our house is about as busy as December. We have started baseball, I am heading up the yearbook and it's final draft is due on the 10th of April, spring cleaning is here, putting away winter stuff is on us, swapping clothes in our closets, more baseball, school projects, more baseball, throw in a 3-on-3 basketball tournament this weekend, our anniversary is next week, more birthday parties for friends...oh and did I mention baseball has started? Baseball, by the way, is by FAR our most time consuming sport we do at the Shisler house. Practices and tournaments are non stop starting in about 2 weeks. Tournaments every weekend from now until July. I should enjoy any free evening we have...oh wait I don't think we have any coming up.

Scott was in St Louis this week, Monday-Wednesday so our first time on our own without him in town since Max was born. We made it. :)

The Buckeyes play tonight, we will be cheering from here

Monday is the annual Luther College days...where 2 of my closest college girlfriends, Lisa and Niki come and bring their kiddos and for 24 hours it is a bit of chaos in a wonderful way. Between the 3 of us we now have 11 kids with Tommy being the oldest and Max the youngest. I can't wait.

I have my quarterly MRI and neuoro Dr appts next week too. Didn't miss those when I was pregnant. I have been doing those for almost 3 years now. (pituitary adenoma for those that do not know, we pray it doesn't grow and won't need to be removed)

I feel like all I have done is pay medical bills for 4 weeks. Between Scott's knee, Max's birth and other random normal things it has been nuts with bills. I am concerned how this new health care plan will affect families like ours.

I need to go back to school, again, this afternoon for more recess pictures for the yearbook...

Oh I should get in the shower as Max is asleep...

Oh and one more thing...we are taking Max to meet his Great Grandma Lu next Friday for Easter weekend. Max is her 19th great grandchild. I think that is so special. She is still very active, healthy and on her own. We are excited to head to Benson for the weekend.

Enough rambling for today....better shower. Didn't get that done yesterday. :)

1 comment:

  1. i am tired just reading all you have going on... and you have a baby. we have seasons that are crazy busy but i love it and wouldn't change it. i know i will miss it some day.

    please tell lisa and niki i said hello. take lots of pictures i know you girls will have a great day :o)
