"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Monkey Key Chain

Here has been my day thus far...

6:45 am Alarm went off "time to make the donuts" as the Dunkin Donuts ad says or actually it was Drew that asked if we could go and buy donuts for "Prayer at the Pole" he was a part of leading today.

No time for a shower, throw on something.

7:15 am Off to Dunkin Donuts...but not before Max reminded me of the cute Monkey Key chain he wants to get through magazine sales at school.  Those dreaded magazine sales, the ones that make the children cry if they don't get the prizes that break within an hour.  I already failed him when on Friday he didn't get the clown nose and inflatable tongue because I went out of town and didn't see his magazine sales packet before I left.

7:45 am. Prayer at the pole, which is a special time.  I believe it's called "See you at the pole" and is a nationwide thing for public and private schools.  I brought my camera along for pictures for the yearbook of it.  (yep one of my side jobs, yearbook advisor)

8:05 am the 2 dozen donuts were inhaled by the students that were there, "should have brought more Mom"...oh well you can't feed the entire school can we?

8:15 am Max arrives with Jack and Tommy, who were too tired to get to "prayer at the pole"...Max has his eyes filled with tears over this monkey key chain that he needs to get a ticket for...I assure him I will look into it.  I stop at the table and find out what it is I need to do before 9:30 am to assure my son can get this monkey key chain.  I then run back to Max's class and assure him he will get the monkey key chain in which he responds "You are the best mom ever"

8:30 am leave school and head to Hyvee to pick up my online order I placed last night after getting home from picking up yesterdays Hyvee online order and realizing I forgot a bunch of stuff. Thank you Lord for Hyvee online shopping.

8:30 am return a call to a sweet friend while we thank the Lord for Hyvee and commiserate over magazine sales all while they load my car up with groceries.

8:45 am home and on my computer doing the proper "steps" to assure my son will receive his monkey key chain at lunch for the 10 emails I send out to family and friends asking for them to buy magazines...and then following up with a personal email to them telling them NOT to buy magazines just that I had to have 10 emails to assure son #4 his monkey key chain.  Which then the system crashes and I have to email the PTF president that I did indeed do the emails and please don't miss my son and his monkey key chain at noon.

(I may have sent this to the PTF President in August hoping she would take me up on it.) 

8:50 am bring the groceries into the house and throw them on the island.

9:00 am edit a few pics that said friend needs asap for a very good cause... #adoption

9:05 am edit pictures from "Prayer at the Pole" to send to school admin for their Twitter account

9:10 am text my computer guy as my photos aren't working right on my phone fix that problem.  He assures me it will be okay and will stop by later this morning if he can.

9:20 am answer emails to 2 Senior Mom's who want to change their daughters' senior photos dates in which I have NO wiggle room right now.  19 sessions in the month of September alone doesn't allow for rescheduling...speaking of rescheduling I have a session at 1:00 and it is pouring rain so looked up the radar and determined that will need to be reschedules which as I just said in this very long sentence I have no wiggle room.  Which reminds me that it is hard to have this other side gig job of Photography while juggling the rest of motherhood and marriage.  But yet it is a blessing....

This all reminds me of the craziness of life and how to some the most important part of the day will be receiving the Monkey Key Chain and how that is my joy and why I do what I do...

Update and ta dah...here is this pic when I got him after school

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