"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


It is that time of year again....we love Santa around this house.  We have THE REAL Santa here in Des Moines.  And we have been blessed to have had him since we moved here...he knows the boys names.  He knows our names.  He calls me on my birthday.  I know I know...it's all a little odd but not really.  He is a great guy.  He loves golf, he loves baby Jesus and he is always interested in our boys.  We even bring him Christmas gifts every year to the mall.  After school we all headed to the mall to see him.  Scott is gone in Chicago all week so we went without him.  Only Drew and Max had seen him so far this year.

We were talking to Santa, Jack, Max and I while we were waiting for Tommy and Drew to meet us there.  Santa saw Tommy coming down the escalator and said "I think Tommy is taller than me!  Wow!" Sure enough Tommy came in and Santa stood up and Tommy has passed him up, Santa requested a photo with him.  Standing.  Cute.

So here they all are...grateful my big boys are such troopers with Santa.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe I'm a little tired this morning but these photos made me teary. Santa loves Jesus. ❤️
