"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Still here and rambling

It's almost 4 am and yes we are still here. I am behind on blogging big time. I can't sleep because I'm in the midst of colon prep for a colonoscopy.  I fell asleep early. Fun stuff I tell you. Not on my summer bucket list but it will be good to get things checked out. My first. Looking for answers To GI issues.  

We have been good. Summer is crazy. Baseball is the core of the craziness.  Last week we, meaning Tommy and Drew, were scheduled for 7 jv games alone...tommy dresses for varsity and has played some too. Jack is in the season ending playoffs too.  All were rained out Thursday, Friday and yesterday.  Baseball is like a full time job. It's around 8 hours a day for the bigs.   That's a lot. This Mom may have cheered for the rain and the break and the time home.  

We havd been doing yard work like crazy. It all seems to have hit this year.  Deck and porch and fence and swing set all needing to be power washed and stained.  Weeds taking over. Mulch needing to be done. A dead tree, a few dead shrubs, bushes needing major trimming, an ash tree needing to be treated....and on it goes.  Scott spend a long weekend working on stuff while Drew was in Canada fishing...behind on that post,  Tommy was at a friends cabin, behind on that post..and the littles and I were at the cabin. Then we worked every day since we have been home on it.  It's looking so much better but man oh man the hours and hours we have poured in.  Hence the blog being behind. 

I'm doing some Twig & Daisy photo stuff..not much right now with everything else.  Mainly I want to be available for my Mom when she needs me.  Or when I need her. ;). But still need to find time to edit through those sessions. 

Scott has been to ohio twice this month. His Mom has been having health issues.  Her legs are not wanting to work. That's hard.  We have been doing all we can from Iowa to help her.  The miles are hard in times like these. 

My grandma has also had health stuff this month. She will have to move out of her home.  That's not easy for an independent 93 year old woman. But she knows it's best.  Guarantee she will be in charge of all social activities wherever she lands.  She's amazing. 

Lots of friends of mine seem to have a fun bucket list of summer things to do. I feel like I'm treading water many days to survive. Not in a bad way...just in a real way.  This summer has been like no other.  Just a lot on our plates.  Our boys are happy and not complaining.   It's just been one of those. There are seasons.  One day at a time around here.  


  1. You are doing well!!! The boys are loved. Don't worry about other people's bucket lists. Take care of you and yours.

  2. You are doing great and loving everyone well; more important than any list.

  3. Your summer bucket list is only allowed to consist of three items: Take care of yourself. ♥ Love your boys and Scott. Love your mama and dad.

  4. Hey praying for you and everything on your plate. Lots of big stuff, but God has prepared you for this season in life. You are always good at enjoying every moment. Hugs :)
