"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Still learning...

I am starting to feel like I am getting the hang of this.  I did get the pretty signature figured out.  So at least I have the basics down.  Not sure how fancy I really need to be.  My goal is to be able to print these into books for the boys.  Boys don't require fancy.

We had all of the boys' conferences this week at school.  Make up from missing last week when they actually had conferences.  All 3 boys are doing well and adjusted to their new school wonderfully.  Jack's conference was today, and his teacher had lots of entertaining comments on Jack.  But my favorite thing she said was that Jack does his own thing, he isn't a follower.  He makes good choices and is a leader regardless of the other kids.  That made both Scott and I proud.  The highlight from Tommy's conference on Tuesday was really that his teacher said he is just such a good kid, and that he has been such a wonderful addition to this class of kids.  Drew's teacher yesterday mentioned how Drew is diligent in his work and in his classtime.  So lots to be pleased with.  So fun to sit through.  I know that there will may be a day where conferences are a bit more complicated so right now I am going to soak this all in and count my blessings.

Drew is feeling better.  No strep throat.  He was at school for half day today.  I didn't get a lot done around the house BUT did use my new Haan Floor cleaner I ordered off of an infomercial.  LOVED it.  I am sure they have a website so check it out.  Worked wonders on our hardwood floors.

Hoping the signature works on this post...I tried to follow your directions Makila to get it on here.  We'll see.