"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. " Psalm 118:24

Friday, July 31, 2015

Randomness in July

I have not done a great job of keeping up with summer on the blog.  How can it be almost August?  July was a fast month.  I seriously have to take one day at a time...I cannot keep track of any more.  There have been trips to the cabin, Camp Grandma (where my Mom and Dad keep the boys alone or with a friend), photography sessions, college trips, trips to Ohio, Scott traveling, birthdays....

Here is the randomness of the month on my iPhone photos.

 Camp Grandma eating cookies alone, in the family room...peanut blossoms, one of his favorites. 

 Sunsets on the lake...

 Big brothers teaching little bros to fish and helping

 Tommy wakeboarding
 The new pontoon names "The Grandma Lu"
 times with big brother
 naps on the boat
 paddle boarding with our niece Vedarose
 morning snuggles and electronics

 Jack paddle boarding early in the morning

 trash after a weekend of everyone together...all 17 of us

 modeling for Max at all recipes.com magazine

 Chuck E Cheese

 finishing up baseball season
 Quade turned 2

Homeshow favorites...

This takes you through the first half of July....more pictures to come after I switch the laundry and start the dishwasher. :)  

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